Meet nownow・すぐすぐ会う

What it is・プロジェクトの内容

An app designed to join friends together who are free at that exact moment in time. Initially, use would be restricted to those the user knows and wants to meet with. However, I can forsee it being used to meet new people too. There is scalability here too as the app could also recommend places to meet and things to do, which advertisers could pay to have prioritised.


Why I’m doing it・なぜやるのか

  • Having lived in Tokyo for so long, I miss being able to meet friends whenever I feel like it. In the past, I could message friends and we could meet immediately at the pub or someplace. However, in Tokyo, peoples schedules are so busy that we have to arrange to meet weeks or months in advance, which often leads to my not feeling like making any plan at all. You may also not want to meet at the time anyway.
  • 東京に長く住んでいると、気が向いたときにいつでも友達と会えることが恋しくなる。以前は、友達にメッセージを送れば、すぐにパブやどこかで会うことができた。しかし、東京ではみんな忙しいので、何週間も何ヶ月も前に会う約束をしなければならない。また、とにかくその時間に会いたくないということもある。

How it’ll get done・どのように成し遂げるか

  • I’ve already started learning coding, and have applied for a bootcamp. I hope to team up with other like-minded developers to see how far we can push this idea, as I can already see potential for much broader functionality.
  • すでにコーディングを学び始めていて、ブートキャンプにも申し込んでいる。同じ志を持つ開発者たちとチームを組んで、このアイデアをどこまで推し進められるか試してみたい。

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