What it is・プロジェクトの内容
I plan to develop a training programme for foreign nationals coming to Japan aimed at addressing some of the issues that prevent them from letting a property. Training material would include content such as recycling rules, cultural norms, legal responsibilities, and other core concerns held by landlords. I would seek to have the training programme vetted and ratified by a landlords/letting agent association in order to be able to issue a certificate for graduates of the course which they could use when searching for accomodation.
Why I’m doing it・なぜやるのか
- Renting a house or flat in Japan as a foreigner is infamously difficult. There is a widespread hesitancy among Japanese landlords and letting agents to lease their properties to non-Japanese.
- 外国人が日本で家やアパートを借りるのは、悪名高いほど難しい。日本の大家や賃貸業者の間では、外国人に物件を貸すことをためらう傾向が広まっている。
- Ostensibly this is due to concerns about cultural differences and communication issues, but it is often perceived as discriminatory by the international community.
- 表向きは文化の違いやコミュニケーションの問題を懸念してのことだが、国際社会からは差別的と受け止められることが多い。
- This is already harming Japan’s image internationally, and this tension is likely to exacerbate in the coming years as Japan seeks to attract talent from overseas.
- これはすでに国際的な日本のイメージに悪影響を及ぼしており、日本が海外から人材を獲得しようとする中で、この緊張は今後数年でさらに悪化する可能性が高い。
- For this reason, I see an opportunity to offer a solution to businesses and their prospective clients which could be beneficial to both.
- そのため、私は企業とその見込み客に、双方にとって有益なソリューションを提供する機会があると考えている。
How it’ll get done・どのように成し遂げるか
- Initially, most of my time will be spent researching what content to include in the programme. This would involve getting in touch with letting agents and landlords in order to learn what they would like addressed. I will use this information to build and tweak the training programme before setting up the first round of training with foreign nationals. I believe my connections to the JET programme would give me a unique opportunity to source my first students in the training. I am already anticipating that the ratification process will be quite the challenge, as a lot of the work would then be trying to sell the idea that completion of the training should allow tenants to sign a lease.
- 最初のうちは、プログラムにどのような内容を盛り込むかの調査にほとんどの時間を費やします。そのためには、賃貸業者や家主と連絡を取り、彼らが何を扱ってほしいかを知る必要がある。この情報をもとに、研修プログラムを作成し、微調整を加えてから、外国人を対象とした第1回目の研修を開始します。JETプログラムとのつながりがあれば、研修の最初の生徒を確保するまたとない機会になると思います。批准手続きはかなりの難関になるだろうとすでに予想している。というのも、研修の修了によってテナントが賃貸契約を結ぶことができるようになるという考えを売り込むことが、仕事の大部分を占めるからだ。